View of RCSJ's Rastelli Business and Corporate building

Institutional Effectiveness

Institutional Effectiveness

​​​​​​​​​​​​​We​lcome to Assessment at RCSJ

The purpose of assessment at Rowan College of South Jersey is to assist administration, 教师, and 工作人员 in the creation, 建立, and evaluation of 程序 goals, institutional goals, and student learning outcomes to improve the quality of education.


Curriculum Committee/Academic Council

​Rowan College of South Jersey’s Curriculum Committee serves as a review, 咨询, and recommending body in matters dealing with additions, 修改, or deletions of credit courses and 程序s of study.

Learn about the ​Curriculum Committee/Academic Council


双重信用 at Rowan College of South Jersey is designed to provide high school students the opportunity to earn college credit for coursework completed while in high school.

Learn about 双重信用


Rowan College of South Jersey engages in 程序 review for the purpose of continuous improvement of existing non-学术, 学术, 学位, and career certificate 程序s. 

Learn about 项目评审


​The Mid-Atlantic Region Commission on Higher Education is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to conduct accreditation and pre-accreditation activities for institutions of higher education, including distance education and correspondence education 程序s.

Learn about 中间状态

Institutional Effectiveness

​Institutional effectiveness is designed to create a practice of collaboration between 教师, 工作人员, and administration to create a system of evaluation that assesses college policies, 程序, 和目标.

Learn about Institutional Effectivenss


​​​The assessment 工作人员 at​ Rowan College of South Jersey is here to aid professors and 工作人员 in creating meaningful learning objectives and clear goals to establish a cohesive path toward classroom, 程序, and institutional assessment.  Please contact us for all your assessment needs.​​

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